Office Space Management Software

Hoteling Software

How To Manage Your Office Space with a Hybrid Work Arrangement?

The world didn’t just survive an enforced period of flexible working during the pandemic—it thrived on it. As a result, employees are exploring new hybrid working models where they call the shots on where and when they work. This section will highlight space management software including hoteling software to help you optimize your office space– supporting hybrid, remote, and face-to-face office environments.

Social Distancing

Space Management Software

There are various options of software available to help optimize space and support a hybrid workplace – especially during an influx of incoming workers, technology is key. One of the most popular uses of space management software is hoteling. Hoteling software allows you to reduce space in office buildings using technology. This is achieved by allowing employees to make decisions on where and when they work – a new vital aspect of a hybrid work model with returning employees to work.

Hoteling Software

DeskFlex Hoteling Software

DeskFlex is the one platform for all your hybrid work needs. DeskFlex allows you to map out a safely-distance floor plan, use health checks to confirm everyone in the office is safe, contract trace with check-in data and robust analytics. This allows employees to be welcomed back to the new version of your office with confidence. DeskFlex also has room scheduling software which is ideal for multi-story office buildings to optimize workspace arrangements.

Social Distancing Feature

The bottom line

Office space management software, such as hoteling software provided by DeskFlex makes it easy for workplace teams to understand and manage space inventory, from meeting room booking permissions to office seating chart and desk reservations. Offer bookable seating options and wayfinding from a map via desktop, kiosk, or mobile app.