Microsoft Office 365 Integration

Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft Office 365 Integration

Microsoft Office 365 is the online version of Microsoft’s suite of office products such as email, documents, presentations, video files, calendaring, and more. Thus, it is the standard email client for companies worldwide. These companies use Office 365 as a tool for task management and workflows.

Office 365 and all its various tools can integrate with thousands of third-party applications. Therefore, office teams can use Office 365 to create digital workplaces, strong intranets, and convenient apps. Nonetheless, most organizations use countless apps, such as social platforms and various productivity tools such as Microsoft bookings and scheduling software for business.

Microsoft Office 365 IntegrationDeskFlex Integration with Office 365

DeskFlex project scheduling software can quickly integrate with Office 365. It has out of the box connectors that allow app integrations to work with various third-party software, including Microsoft Office 365 content and metadata.

Once the integration is complete, users can launch the DeskFlex desk reservation solution and log in using your company credentials. Users can access the DeskFlex Microsoft scheduling software through the Office 365 integrations and perform desk reservation and Microsoft bookings within the system.

task management

Access Anywhere, Anytime

DeskFlex is a cloud-based scheduling software for business that allows you to access your files anywhere, anytime. With this premise, you can book your cubicle, desk or workstation at your convenient time, even in the comforts of your home. Whenever you need to make or modify your desk reservation in the middle of the night, you can perform these tasks at any given moment. For remote workers on the go, accessing DeskFlex integrated with the Office 365 service, you can work on your tasks and book office space in advance for your time in the office right where you are.