Visitor Management

DeskFlex visitor management software helps companies and organizations monitor and process guests and outsiders visiting or renting out their facilities. After that, visitor can be a delivery man, a job applicant, a customer, or an employee’s relative. Mainly, anyone not employed full time or registered in the organization is considered a visitor.

Visitor management system software is customizable from the simple electronic logbook to more advanced software integrations such as biometric scanner, surveillance cameras, no-mask detection, body temperature scanning, and a list of unwelcome guests.

Visitor Management
Visitor management software secures office space room booking system and meeting room scheduling system. It screens, control, track and monitor employees.

Visitor Facility Rental and Reservaton

With DeskFlex visitor management software, guests and visitors can also book a meeting room, conference room, activity venue, and equipment for a specified period. Therefore, organizations can rent out their shared spaces to outsiders who want to use their on-campus facilities for their activity. Shared spaces and campus facilities rental can generate additional income for the organization.

Advantages of visitor managementAdvantages of Managing Visitors in Your Site

Business productivity and success is inevitable when your employees feel safe and comfortable in the workplace. However, your employees can work with peace of mind knowing that everyone who comes in and out of the facility will go through processing using DeskFlex total office management software.

DeskFlex facility scheduling software can track visitors more systematically than pen and paper. Your organization can take advantage of the following:

i- Keep a digital visitor log

ii- Capture images of your visitors for fast identification

iii- Print customizable visitor ID badges with the official logo

iv- Generate digital signatures for signing NDA’s and other legal agreements

v- Send Slack, SMS, and Email notifications when visitors arrive

vi- Accommodate package deliveries from FedEx, UPS and other courier services

vii- Accept document, parcels and food deliveries

viii- Creates two-way messaging between visitors and employees

and Many more

DeskFlex visitor management software enhances office security, increases employee productivity, and improves organizational brand image.


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