Resource Reservations

DeskFlex resource reservations system is a total office management software that allows organizations to systematically control the use of their facilities and equipment. After that, users can book company resources such as meeting rooms, conference rooms, classrooms, laboratories, sports complex, game rooms, clinical rooms, and many more. Similiarly, users can also include scheduling the use of their equipment that includes tv monitors, projectors, laptops, laboratory tools,resource booking systems and other essential devices.

DeskFlex facility scheduling software enables users to oversee real-time availability and future reservations of the different facilities and equipment of the organization. Above all, our resource reservations software is suitable for: 

  1. Business Organizations
  2. Government Institutions
  3. Healthcare Industries
  4. Educational Institutions
  5. Industrial Companies
  6. Small and Medium Enterprises (SME)

Remote Accessibility

Users can access DeskFlex web-based booking software or through a downloadable mobile app to make advance resource reservations. However, the software will display active and future reservations of the facilities and equipment they are interested in the book.
Upon checking into the reservation, users can log in by scanning a QR code to a contactless touchscreen display screen. Bluetooth beacons are attached to the equipment so that users can easily check-in by connecting mobile devices to beacon sensors.

task management

Advantages Of Resource Reservations

Through Above all, DeskFlex online resource scheduling, it gives organizations the following benefits: 

  1. Eliminate repeated and double-booking as a result of human error
  2. Convenient accessibility for mobile users
  3. Maximize the use of space and equipment
  4. Save on utility and real estate costs
  5. Generate additional income by renting out facilities to outsiders