
Hoteling Software To Business

What Hoteling Software Do To Your Business?

An office hoteling software system has a similar concept to booking a room in a tourist office hotel space to stay for a few nights. You can choose the type of room you want to stay in and the amenities you want to include in the booking. Thus, it functions similarly when applied to office space hoteling where employees can reserve their preferred desk for specific days or weeks ahead of time.


The pandemic has posed many challenging circumstances for various individuals, corporate businesses, retail shops, healthcare, and more, among many industries. Thus, making it harder for everybody to cope. But thankfully, with the advancement of technology, job responsibilities have become more manageable even away from the office.


With the right tools and innovation achieving a thriving business is inevitable even during uncertain times.


What is Hoteling?


Office hoteling is the sharing of workspace and equipment. It is a flexible and dynamic workplace strategy to organize employees and maximize office space use. With this software innovation, the company employs a reserve booking system to find and claim a workstation or facilities on-demand for a particular day.


Employees have the freedom to work wherever they like in the office, depending on their priorities for the day. It also allows them to work in collaborative settings or near their coworkers, making it easier for them to be effective, efficient, and involved. When using an agile program, the organization benefits both themselves and their staff.


How to Make Hoteling Software Work for your Business?


Hoteling involves reservation and checking in with staff to access a facility, just like a real hotel space. An individual, whether guest or team member, must check in with the office hoteling reservation system to get their desired spot in the office or facility.

It works effectively even if the room has empty tables and unused workstations. What counts is that everyone follows the same approach and that there is consistent documentation of the workstation allotment. Hoteling is a good option for companies who want more flexibility and management over the utilization of workspaces.


Company Gains when Using Hoteling Software System


Hotel desk space management operates in the same manner that you are permitted to choose the ideal area for you at the hotels of your choice over specific dates as scheduled.


So, what can your company gain when deploying hoteling software apps?


For The Workforce

  • It supports mobility and accessibility by assuring employees that they will find the area they require whenever they need it.
  • They have the freedom to work whenever and wherever they desire
  • It boosts engagement and productivity by allowing employees from different departments to engage and find collaborative locations easily.
  • It encourages workers to follow health and safety protocols.

For The Organization

  • Boosts team member productivity, engagement, and collaboration
  • Higher rates of team member retention and recruitment
  • Reduce property costs and environmental impact by lowering the worker-to-workspace proportion, as well as receding space.
  • Streamlines the use of workstations to provide space for growth without the need to add more area
  • Encourages space utilization data and analytics to help make short and long-term strategic processes
  • Increases company adaptability in the event of office work interruption

Do You Need an Office Hoteling Software?


Several industries from every type of enterprise, respective of industry or location, can obtain the benefits of utilizing hoteling software in their workforce. The following sectors include:-


  • Startup Businesses: The hotel desk system benefits startup and growing enterprises on the verge of expanding but can’t yet afford to expand their premises. Hotel desks are an excellent method to increase employees while conserving space.
  • Consolidated Businesses: Hotel desks offer a method to minimize the workspace footprint without decreasing personnel for more prominent firms who are just looking to trim the excess and consolidate operations.
  • Remote Businesses: Companies that already have remote staff must provide some form and feel of a physical workplace. Hotel desks are a definite upgrade from improvised settings and a stand down from specialized workstations.
  • Coworking Spaces: Hoteling is a critical component of the coworking paradigm. Coworking environments often get chaotic and disorderly without check-in and desk space management.

office hoteling reservation system


Fascinating Desk Space Management Tactics That Can Help Your Business Grow


Because introducing a new business operation strategy may be disruptive to your workforce and processes, it is critical to have a management blueprint in place to ensure a seamless transition to a hybrid work environment.

These quick tips can ensure a smooth transition to utilize hoteling programs for business growth and transition to flexible hybrid work arrangements:-


1. Communicate changes swiftly and clearly.
Switching to hoteling necessitates fresh perspectives on both work and the workplace. Employees who are used to having their workstation should be aware of the advantages of hoteling.

Various organizational workforce can effectively and readily access the system, thanks to a continual communication effort that includes stories of success, best practices, and inventive implementations.


2. Establishing hoteling norms.

Ensure a unified interface and build habits for users to avoid and prevent misunderstandings and build patterns—set conventions for vocabulary, performance metrics for users, and reservable workstations.


3. Establish a strong, unified, and comforting experience while yet providing options.

Staff members should identify the correct areas to settle and work promptly. They should be able to expect a variety of sitting alternatives to suit their various work styles.

Thus, a reservation system works and allows employees to reserve and use those locations through a single system. They should also be able to use the booking system with ease, regardless of the UI. Mobile Apps for on-the-go reservations, browser accessibility for scheduling beforehand, and on-site Kiosk reservations are all convenient ways for your staff to locate the perfect spot for them to work.


4. Complement your hoteling program with cutting-edge technology that is also user-friendly.

Effective hoteling systems involve a sophisticated workspace reservation system with features and functionalities that allow employees to quickly locate the workstations and office equipment or supplier they need. The booking system should be simple to set up and use, with a range of interfaces and linkages to provide your team members with a smooth workplace experience, even during tough times.


Non-Negotiable Software Features to Look For in Hoteling Systems


A desk booking software makes the lives of workers and managers easier is required for your office hoteling operation. If you are looking for the right software development company to provide you the best desk hoteling software, find these non-negotiable features that a desk reservation system must consist:-


Team Member Usability

Workers may claim and book workstations, meeting rooms, and other amenities and tools via their portable devices, desktop computers, or through well-known interfaces such as Microsoft Outlook.


Make sure the hoteling software provides easy user interface that your workforce can quickly adapt to. A great user friendly interface design allows your staff to understand how the system works in just a few taps. Hence, it saves them time and effort navigating through the software features when finding and booking their preferred workstations in the office.


In addition to quick and easy user interface design, the software provider must also supply a mobile app and web version for different employees. Some staff must be able to access the system while in transit. While others who work remotely could schedule their in-office duties ahead of time and at the comfort of their homes via web-based system access.


Improved Admin Analytics & Tools

All organizational amenities such as workspaces, conference rooms, parking, lockers, health and fitness rooms, and tools, among other things, are now administered on a single platform. It enables administrators to work comfortably and efficiently. You’ll also have access to a system that gathers and presents analytics to assist you in making crucial decisions to improve your business and workforce.


A great analytics and reports interface allows business owners and office space managers to rethink on how they would reinvent their workplace according to employee behavior. Through reports and analytics, the admin can determine highly-coveted spaces and less-utilized spaces so they could make better space utilization decisions.


User Adoption and Quick Implementation

The desk booking system you use should be simple to set up and utilize for your firm. The system assists your firm in quickly providing a dynamic, agile environment, tracking office utilization, and managing workstations and meeting rooms. It can save you expenses on properties and lessen your business’s ecological footprint in the long run.


Quick implementation is significant especially for mission-critical companies where they could not afford any downtime. A great hoteling software can easily integrate into existing company systems and can be deployed in phases without interrupting business operations.


Added Functionalities that ensure Compliance to Pandemic Protocols

Choose the desk hoteling system that can provide several features and functions to help your organization implement safety health practices in the office. With the lingering effects of Covid-19, business are not ready to open full face front, not yet. Hence, great hoteling software allows your company to gradually reopen with the help of Covid-19 compliant software features.


For example, the DeskFlex desk booking software has added functionalities such as desk sanitation, visitor management, and vaccine management, contact tracing feature, social distancing tools, thermal scanner, and contactless displays. These features can help reduce the risk of workplace contamination with the assistance of software technology. Ask the software provider about these things.


Regular Updates and Technical Support

Software glitches happen all the time and with every software product. IT support is important in the repair and maintenance of a hoteling software system. Look for software providers that offers 24/7 technical and customer care support in case of software glitches, maintenance and upgrades.

Better yet, if you can schedule a product demonstration so you can test the system and assess if the product is the right one for you, it would seal the deal. Customer care and technical support are critical aspects before subscribing to a hoteling software product.


Bottom Line


For workers and employers, office hoteling makes the hybrid workplace more efficient, productive, and effective. Having the correct reservation system to perform the necessary processes is critical to the success of office hoteling. In a challenging time such as the Covid-19 pandemic, software technology paves the way to assist people in achieving some sort of normalcy when returning back to the office.


The best office hoteling software eliminates the uncertainty and time-consuming nature of managing and organizing flexible and remote workspaces. Furthermore, office hoteling provides the administration department with credible data at one click of a button.


Thermal Detection

Do you have questions or want to schedule a demo, ask here