
Hoteling Software Programs

Transforming Patient Care Services and Visitor Management in Hospitals with Hoteling Software Programs

Hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities encountered immense pressure during the COVID-19 pandemic. Hence, patients flooded the hospitals and increased the workload for medical personnel. The situation forced doctors, nurses, and other staff to work longer hours.

Effective hoteling software programs in the healthcare industry provide convenient services for patients and staff. DeskFlex features highly adaptable and flexible hoteling software that fits the demands of various healthcare facilities.

Surprisingly, the DeskFlex room reservation technology allows clinics and hospitals to manage their resources.


The Definition of Hoteling Software Programs


Imagine a tourist getting room to stay for a few nights in a hotel. The concept of hoteling software programs is similar. Integrating the hoteling software system in healthcare facilities can streamline healthcare services.

Patients and hospital staff members can select the room category they wish to stay when in the hospital. The room also includes the equipment they need.

The sharing of workspace and equipment is known as office hoteling. It’s a flexible and dynamic workplace method for organizing hospital admin personnel and making the most of available office space. The organization uses a reserve booking system to discover and claim a workstation or facility on-demand for a specific day. Medical administrators can reserve their preferred desks or rooms for particular days or weeks in advance.


Hospitals and clinics can use the DeskFlex scheduling system to plan the schedules of their on-demand rooms. Exam rooms, operation rooms, delivery rooms, conference rooms, and suite and private rooms are examples of on-demand rooms. Patients can also see what facilities are available and how many medical services cost.

Medical facilities and hospitals were the first to make changes to contain viral contamination from patients. Minimizing patients and employees in the building reduce the spread of the virus.


Challenges Healthcare Professionals and Workers


The COVID-19 crisis became a series of complex challenges for medical personnel and facilities. Space, room, and equipment also need to be organized and maintained. Hospitals have similarities to offices on administrating processes.

Challenges in working environments will never go away. Listed below are some of the problems faced by medical personnel amidst the COVID-19 pandemic: 


1: Disorganized Congested Schedules 

Hospitals also need to be organized. However, a chaotic and congested schedule for surgeons, doctors, and nurses is nothing out of the ordinary. It’s challenging to manage medical workers due to a hectic timetable.

Schedules become more messed up when there are double-bookings and last-minute cancellations. Disorganized plans become worse when multiple reservations clash, causing delayed visits and treatments. 


2: Insufficient Space Management 

Rooms and spaces play an integral part in hospitals. Facilities need to provide an area where medical professionals can assess the condition of their patients. If space management lacks and disarray, treatments and consultations will be a problem.

Ineffective space management puts patients’ and staff’s safety at risk. Crowding is more likely to occur when there are plenty of visitors and not enough staff. Given the requirement for social distancing measures, it might be challenging to address. 


3: Busy Schedules Causes Workplace Chaos

It’s challenging to manage medical workers’ schedules due to a chaotic timetable and surge of patients. The workplace worsens when multiple reservations clash, causing delayed treatments. Not all hospitals face similar challenges and difficulties.

It’s vital to use the appropriate tools that address these difficulties. Conflicting schedules will take a toll on the hospital’s pace and capacity.


Patient Care Services


How Hoteling Assists Hospitals with The Current Health Crisis 


Hoteling software programs provide dependable services for the healthcare industry. The program improves room availability, allocation, planning, and workload distribution. Optimization of healthcare services is possible by better spacing and data allocation.

The hoteling program assists in providing clinics and hospitals:


Contact Tracing Features 

Protection against COVID-19 contamination is a vital priority within hospitals and clinics. Room reservation software should have an option to integrate contact tracing features.

Room management software with Bluetooth beacon. It can aid in the containment of potential outbreaks in diverse establishments, especially in hospitals. Hospital admins can watch medical workers and urge self-quarantine if necessary.


Admins can also use this tool to compile thorough reports on other users present in the building. Visitor management system records individuals who enter the building and log into the system. The visitor software has scanners, surveillance cameras, thermal body temperature, and mask scanner features. 


Integrating Effective Room Scheduling 

Scheduling patients and visitors are one of the biggest challenges for hospitals. Sanitizing rooms, seats, desks, and equipment is imperative after every use. Patients need to be admitted and treated at the same time.

Enhanced hoteling systems help to alleviate scheduling difficulty. Doctors, nurses, and other medical staff will no longer have problems searching for available rooms. 


Efficient And Simplified Workflow for All Hospital Personnel  

For the past year, COVID-19 patients crowded hospitals and quarantine facilities. Physicians and nurses were constantly on their feet to control the influx of patients. Scheduling rooms in advance became a convenience for the medical staff.

Patients can be easily accommodated with desk management software because personnel can rapidly identify available rooms. Within the confines of safety regulations, everyone at the hospital can work more effectively.


Data and Analytic Reports on Hospital Space Usage

Booking reservation software may generate quick analytics reports that show which rooms require cleaning and which are ready for occupancy. It streamlines processes and ensures that hospital rooms are never left unattended.

This information is also available to doctors, nurses, and medical professionals that work shifts. Thanks to the integration with a meeting room booking display, it is possible to tailor it to fit the hospital’s demands.


Transform Healthcare Services to Meet Patients’ and Personnel’ Needs


Hoteling software programs are a valuable tool for different industries. Corporate offices, government sectors, and hospitals have utilized the hoteling systems to optimize spaces, resources, and team member schedules.

Convenience and accessibility are the vital features of hoteling systems. The software designates medical treatment, training, and conferences to the fitting room. DeskFlex’s hoteling system is highly customizable software to match the facility’s needs.


DeskFlex’s scheduling software provides the tools necessary to successfully manage a hospital’s resources. As a result, medical facilities and businesses rely heavily on DeskFlex software to manage medical resources and streamline planning.


Registering to rooms has become more accessible thanks to the DeskFlex lobby kiosk.


Minimize COVID Infections 

The one-top lobby kiosk allows users, medical staff, and visitors to monitor the current stats of facilities on every floor. When creating office reservations, the lobby kiosk eliminates the need for face-to-face communication.


Easy Navigation and Disinfection

The DeskFlex room booking system intends to assist organizations, corporations, schools, and universities in combating the COVID-19 pandemic by ensuring that their kiosks have a highly touch-sensitive screen that allows staff to navigate through the interface with a simple tapping action.

The kiosks are simple to clean due to their elegant appearance. The cleaning crew can disinfect the interactive screen by wiping it down with a screen and device cleaning solution.




Hospital workspaces and wards need to optimize their spaces while keeping staff safe during the COVID pandemic. Hoteling software systems provide a pleasant reservation experience and health and safety in hospitals.

Making bookings is sometimes inconvenient and time-consuming. For this reason, desk hoteling software is so essential for doctors, nurses, and medical staff.


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