
Room Manager System

Room Manager System: Ensuring the Safe Return of the Hybrid Workforce

When you look at most offices, you’ll notice that roughly half of the workstations are unoccupied and need Room Manager System to manage them. Individuals who work from home, work at a remote location, being absent from the workplace, or working elsewhere are some of the reasons for the low office occupancy. 


With an estimated yearly cost of $10,000 per workstation, it’s simple to see just how much these empty workstations cost the company, squander precious resources, and add to the environmental impact.


The COVID-19 outbreak has been challenging for billions of people worldwide. With the pandemic still taking a toll on societal norms, many personal and professional activities are under strict limitations.


Yet, there is a ray of light at the end of the tunnel. Many countries are now beginning to unravel their restraints and start the long journey back to normalcy. Companies ensure a safe return for their employees while abiding by social distance protocols using room managing systems.


Back to Work Safely


Getting a hybrid workforce back to work in hybrid workspace environments will be crucial in transitioning from the remote work setup. Many individuals across the world had to work from home on tight deadlines as a result of lockdowns. While this has certain benefits, it isn’t always a viable long-term answer for the employment landscape.


When employees work together in the onsite offices, they can interact and collaborate more effectively than when they’re doing it virtually. They’re also stronger at coordinating operations as a group when collaborating with other divisions in the company. They also feel more connected and less alone, which can significantly impact mental health and quality of life.


It’s also crucial from a corporate standpoint. Your company could be one of many that are now paying rent, utilities, connectivity, and other overhead costs for an unoccupied commercial property. As a result, prepping those facilities for a gradual and safe return to the workspace is vital for all departments involved. Still, companies should execute it correctly to provide adequate safe distance measures to a hybrid workforce.


Managing A Safe Return In The Office

The repercussions of implementing the improper return-to-work technique could be disastrous. For starters, it might put the workforce’s health in jeopardy by posing a significant risk of an infection outbreak. However, there are ramifications for the entire company.


You’ll have to follow certain legal obligations when it comes to reopening facilities. Failing to address them could lead to legal proceedings from individuals who may feel that you have compromised their health and welfare. If these issues get to the public, you may harm your brand’s image and credibility to your market.


It’s also critical to maintaining a robust hybrid workforce. To maximize your company’s efficiency, you should allow as many individuals in the workplace as needed using an online room scheduling software.


All this will take time, but it is critical to get your employees back into the workplace as soon as possible. A lengthy closure could be a significant impediment to revenue development and operational sustainability. And, with a downturn on the horizon, every buck will be crucial to stay afloat and profitable.

Sorting through all the information may appear complicated, but it is essential.


The Solution

Integrated technology is the key to developing your optimal return-to-work structure. It’s the most efficient means of connecting the links and assuring everyone you protect everyone in the workplace. With so many aspects to consider surrounding work scheduling, social distancing measures, and sanitization, you must pay close attention to every detail.


It’s achievable to deploy the following with a technology-based system such as workspace management software that works on both mobile and desktop:-


  • Workspace Management

Customize your workspace to comply with the safe distance methods. Use blocking features for desks reservations to keep active employees apart and reduce conference room capacity limitations.


  • Work Schedule Flexibility

The workforce should know their working hours, seat or workspace designation, and who will be in the workplace that day. This also makes it simple to alternate shifts and develop part-office, part-home setups tailored to the needs of each team member.


  • Contact Tracing

When a colleague gets infected with the virus, you can respond immediately. Determine where they’ve been, when they’ve been there, and who they have been around. You can also close desks or lecture halls for thorough cleaning. Thus, inform any other staff engaged that they’ll have to work remotely.


Having meeting room management software that may help your company successfully implement a safe return to the office. Still, you must also consider the key aspects that your company should assess before defining the “new normal” for your business.


hybrid workspace environments


Room Manager System is Essential in Hybrid Workplaces


Integrating workspace management software may help you save money on property costs. Hence, it will also keep your business efficiently running and your clients satisfied.


1. Effective Social Distancing within Office Spaces

The first step in making social distancing effective for your company is determining how many personnel any specified period. This value could be 50% or more of the original capacity for several businesses. You have to determine what is best for your company and your employees. It is best to figure it out ahead so you do not end up compromising everyone’s safety.


2. Limit the Availability Of Workspaces

To promote better social distancing, assess and alter your present workplace seating arrangements and meeting room capacity.

Organizations can lay out capacity limitations. To establish social distancing techniques, using web based room booking system like DeskFlex to regulate workspace seating limits remotely. You can apply desk zoning for particular teams or split shifts.


3. Team Member Desk Designation

You should plan and manage hybrid workforces for personal space. Support your employees in working securely with predefined desk designations with the conference room scheduling system.


Businesses can use DeskFlex to pre-plan workspace accommodations. Send booking notifications to coworkers with low-touch workspace management system guidelines via QR codes.


Organizations can use sensor technologies. These innovations generate information that allows admin to utilize space efficiently. It can help minimize space use and actual costs. Adopting these technologies can help the organization to enhance staff morale and business lifespan.


4. Low-touch Office Reservation Software Methods

An office administrator does not have to be the one to keep track of everything. Employees in hybrid workspace environments can use their phones to schedule, check in, and out of office spaces.


5. Guest Verification and Low-touch Check-in Processes

Companies must consider more than just their employees. Numerous industries have to welcome guests and accept additional workers onsite. Employees and guests can check in using a QR code with their own devices for intuitive guest monitoring.


DeskFlex’s enhanced facility scheduling software enables businesses to pre-register guests. It manages access permissions through a centralized team. This method ensures the safety of their guests while also improving organizational and team member well-being.


6. Contact Tracing and Data Gathering

When a visitor or worker enters the facility, Bluetooth beacons send a signal to the central server. It keeps track of the users’ log-in activity, bookings, personal information, and office location. Other Bluetooth beacons catch up on users’ cellular signals as they move throughout the facility. They keep track of where they are at any given time.


DeskFlex’s Contact Tracing tool can report the user’s geographic information depending on the signals recorded in the Bluetooth beacons. This tool helps, especially when a guest or team member shows symptoms of the virus and eventually becomes positive.


7. Ensure Workspace Sanitation

Schedule cleaning schedules and inspections for all departments. Admins must ensure hybrid workspace environments hygiene and employees’ safety. The maintenance team must sanitize workstations and conference rooms after use. Scheduled disinfection reduces the spread of possible illnesses to keep workers safe and provide them peace of mind. 


When a team member leaves a workplace, users can use the workspace management software to request desk sanitization. Depending on the traffic in certain zones in the establishment, the maintenance team might opt for ‘routine’ or ‘deep clean’ demands as advised.


How Space Booking Software Helps Hybrid Workspace Environments


A new way of working necessitates creative space booking software systems. Hybrid workspace environments require workspace room booking software that facilitates flexibility and optimizes space utilization management. To successfully operate, institutions are now using a desk reservation system.


Furthermore, an outstanding online room reservation service effectively aids the stable and easy transition methods. What it can provide is as follows:-


Hassle-free Home To Office Transition

COVID-19 has solidified the demand for flexible working hours among most employees. The features included in the DeskFlex office reservation system make it simple to manage workplaces effectively. Employees can browse for and book desks using any device. They can also make self-service inquiries or have requests authorized by supervisors. Workers have the freedom to choose the setting in a Room Managing System. It can help them be highly productive, a vital tool at any company’s disposal.


Protecting The Health And Well-being Of Employees

Desk reservation is more than just useful administrative software. It can assist protect employees’ overall well-being while also easing any social concerns they may have about returning to an office setup. Desk booking is also a good tool for recording, which may become highly important as businesses aim for more stringent safety measures.


Increasing Efficiency Through Utilizing Floor Space

The ability to produce data by viewing desk booking rates and analyzing trends and patterns is one of the most significant components of desk booking. This information can help create facility plans and affect long-term buying decisions, perhaps increasing profitability.




Workplaces face the need to evolve due to ever-changing business needs and demands. Workspace management software is now an essential component of transitioning back to work after the pandemic.

Depending on the business strategy and ethics, businesses may have room management systems. It is beneficial for financial, environmental, and cultural reasons of the organization. Today, it is equally important in all areas:-


  • Maximizing the space.
  • Identifying where to cut expenses.
  • Maintaining employees’ physical safety.

The equipment booking software system now reacts to cultural shifts. More people realize the benefits of a flexible work setup. Using the system, they can reserve their office spaces and equipment in advance.


It’s not only that automating and streamlining desk booking operations makes the process easier for larger companies. DeskFlex solution is customizable, making it suitable for enterprises of all sizes. It allows you to cope with change while still regulating growth.


Companies’ ultimate goal should be to optimize the workers’ productivity in a flexible workplace. As you commence your return to work, integrating the DeskFlex total office management software into your workforce will help you follow safe distance protocols. This will also provide you with cost-effective and innovative solutions to help you thrive after the pandemic.


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