
conference room booking app

Conference Room Booking App in Helping Offices Become Agile

Office environments can have a huge impact on the mindsets of both employers and employees. In-office social work can increase teamwork and creativity while providing a means of social interaction.

However, in-office work also has its downsides. Aside from the overhead costs for employers, employees also need to travel to and from the office. Factors like traffic and transportation costs can reduce overall work satisfaction.

In this article, we’ll look at why a conference room booking app can make or break an agile office environment. We’ll also look at the key features to look for when choosing a conference room booking tool.


Is a Conference Room Booking App a Good Solution for an Expensive Office Space?

Commercial properties have always been more expensive than residential real estate. Managers also need to factor in equipment, furniture, and electricity outside the initial rent.

Additionally, there are also other hidden costs to account for. These include employees’ travel costs and the time spent in transit.

These costs add up over time. Aside from affecting overall revenue, they can also affect employee productivity. With the help of tools like a room booking system, an agile work environment can help companies address both issues. 


What are the Ways Workplaces Are Becoming More Agile?

Agile working is about being able to work anytime at any place. Agile workspaces are all about allowing employees more freedom to work their preferred hours at their preferred spaces.


As a result, many office spaces today are a mix of areas for informal collaboration and workspaces for focus work. In particular, workspaces are agile in the following ways:


1. Optimized Office Space

Since commercial office space is expensive, many companies choose to rent smaller ones. However, with a smaller office space, limitations include the number of in-office employees. 


The use of tools like a conference room booking app is a great way to take advantage of limited space. It helps employees set alternating schedules between in-office and remote work shifts. 


2. Flexible Work Schedules

Flexibility is the cornerstone of agile work. Employees with more control over their hours and their work locations need not spend more time in traffic. As a result, they can focus more time and energy on their tasks.


With flexible work schedules, employees can choose whether they want a morning or afternoon shift. Employees can also choose if they want to work in-office or remote shifts on certain days of the week. 


3. Empowered Communication

Technology empowers communication and collaboration; tools like room booking software enable these and more. Everything from workplace policies to scheduling needs to be communicated seamlessly.


Communication matters not just for remote workers but also for those working in-office shifts. Keeping everyone on the same page ensures that tasks and projects are completed promptly and on schedule.


What Makes a Conference Room Booking App for Agile Office Environments So Important Today?

Organizations don’t always fully understand how their office spaces are used. They may easily end up renting more office space than they need, resulting in idle, unused areas.

Additionally, buildings don’t just need to work for employers. Employees need the right open spaces for collaboration and quiet spaces for focusing. Finding the right balance requires planning, which works best with accurate data from good tools.

Here are the reasons why finding the best room booking software matters for agile offices:


1. Easy Reservations and Hassle-Free Scheduling

Reservations don’t just apply to conference rooms and large spaces for hosting monthly or yearly events.


Creating effective hybrid work arrangements (alternating in-office and remote work shifts) starts with an effective scheduling system. An effective room booking tool allows employees to book the spaces they need for in-office shifts.


Room booking apps can display which workstations employees can reserve on their assigned schedules and at what time slots. This prevents the hassle of double-booking and conflicting schedules with other teams or departments.


2. Building a Better Workplace

Meeting room booking software can do more than schedule time slots for workstations.

With a better, more agile workplace, users can reserve spaces, equipment, and vehicles. Displays allow users to see available equipment, whether they are in use, as well as their schedules.  


Additionally, meeting room reservation tools can incorporate 3D maps with highlights on allotted workstations. These maps serve as visualization tools for users and make wayfinding easier.


3. Data Analytics

Effective workplace strategies to fully optimize resource usage start with accurate data. Based on this data, office managers and planners can set up everything from office layouts to schedules.


With a conference room booking app, managers can also see different variables. These can range from equipment use frequency to booking frequency for equipment, speakers, and even laptops.


Managers and admin staff can use this data to examine workplace habits, from team member activities to attendance.


4. Third-party App Integration

Meeting room scheduling and reservation tools are still new tools that all employees would use. They are an addition to the existing set of systems and software solutions that they are already using.


With third-party integration, employees and employers can also use existing tools to reserve their workstations and equipment. Once a room is booked, the software automatically notifies the user via text message and email.


Third-party integration not only saves time for users already using many tools, but also ensures compatibility for ease of use.


What Features Should You Look for in a Meeting Room Booking Software?

While in-office work shifts are becoming more optional, having a scheduling tool still matters for agile offices. 


For instance, in-person meetings can often become a hassle and require coordination between colleagues and admin staff. That said, while meeting room booking tools are a great addition, not all of them are made the same way.


These are the key features you should be looking for when choosing the best room booking software for your office:


1. Intuitive Interface

Successful implementations depend on whether the software is easy to use. With an intuitive user interface, employees across all department levels are more likely to use it.


Additionally, intuitive interfaces also provide the benefit of being more cost-effective. Ongoing training costs are lower when onboarding employees on new tools takes less time.


2. Touchless Check-ins

Touchless check-in features are a great way to ensure health and safety in a post-pandemic environment. Depending on the organization, this can ensure an added layer of convenience and security.


In terms of convenience, companies can attach QR codes for bookable resources that the mobile app can scan. For security, managers can designate clearance levels for specific rooms or equipment. 


3. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and On-Premise Subscription Options

Choosing the best room booking software also depends on available subscription options. On-premise and SaaS models matter depending on the type or size of the organization.


Smaller organizations, or those with constrained budgets, can benefit more from the minimal upfront cost of the SaaS model. Since ongoing support and maintenance are part of the monthly subscription, they end up saving more.


Meanwhile, on-premises software may be a better option for larger organizations, thanks to its added security.


Bottom Line

Agile office environments can be more efficient and effective for employees but rely on coordination and technology. A tool like a conference room booking app can be a huge solution for making all these benefits possible.  

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