
Hybrid Workforce

How a Desk Booking System Can Support the Hybrid Workforce

A hybrid Workplace is popular among new startups and multinational companies. Some businesses across different industries are reopening, and employees are coming back to their workplaces.

The pandemic forced many organizations to send their team members to work from home. Now that vaccines are rolling out, employers expect them to return to the office. However, many of them enjoyed working remotely and are hesitant to go back to the traditional 9 – 5 workdays. A May 2021 survey revealed that out of 1000 US workers, 55% consider quitting their jobs if they are not permitted to be flexible in their careers.


The turn of events made the world realize that working parents desire a flexible working setup. Some of the biggest tech companies such as Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit have transformed into a hybrid workplace to give their employees the freedom to choose how they want to work. Seemingly enough, every generation of employees may seek out more flexible work options from now on. So, to retain and attract the best talents, organizations must welcome the hybrid work model as part of their reopening processes.


Defining the Hybrid Work Model


A hybrid work model is a mix of remote and office working. Employees can work from home or in a coworking space and work in the office most days a week or alternately. Some companies deploy a scheme where some team members are fully remote, others are regularly going to the workplace full-time, and the majority are likely to bounce their schedule between the two options.


However, the hybrid work model is not for everyone. To be effective, employers or company leaders need to manage them properly. Doing so will allow them to provide a more digital, mobile, and flexible work environment for their employees.


With more organizations considering the switch, questions arise about navigating these hybrid solutions correctly and affecting work’s future. Before transforming your workplace into a hybrid workplace, here’s what to consider if the term ‘hybrid work setup’ is fit for you.


Benefits of a Hybrid Workplace for Employees

The hybrid work model is the solution for many companies to meet their team members’ requests regarding their comeback. Here’s why most of the US workforce demand this working strategy:


Allows them to work how and when they are most motivated

A team member must render an office workday from 9 am to 5 pm to accomplish work. Whereas in a hybrid workflow, they are more flexible when to finish their hybrid projects. For example, other people are most productive in the morning while others can do better at night. If they need to collaborate with their teammates, they can choose on-site or from virtual conferences.


Promotes a balance between career and life

Based on a recent study, flexibility is a significant reason employees want to work on hybrid arrangements. Having more control over how they spend their workday can split the time between work and personal life’s errands. For working parents, this means they don’t have to worry about who will fetch kids in the school or get the delivery or buy medicines.


Reduce the risk of getting an illness

A survey revealed that 66% of employees are still worried about their health when they return to the office. Even if they are fully vaccinated, studies say that it doesn’t guarantee 100% safety for everyone. A limited number of employees in the office decreases the risk of infection among employees. Since the hybrid world allows people to work remotely, a sick person can stay at home and still fulfill his job responsibilities.


Save on transportation costs, thus helping employees financially

One of the everyday expenses of employees is the commuting costs. The burden it causes is heavier for employees who live far from the workplace. In a hybrid company, they can choose to work remotely – allowing them to reduce travel costs. Some companies are willing to provide remote headquarters so their team members can still work in the office when needed. Additionally, some of the employers provide allowances to help them set up a workstation at their houses.


Improved Trust Between Employer and Employee

One reason employers don’t want to implement hybrid working is the issue of trust. Some of them think that remote workers may slack off because no one is supervising them. But it can be the other way around. The hybrid schedules can show their productivity as they were working in the office. A poor performer can also take advantage of showing his skills and gain his employer’s trust.


Furthermore, employees who feel respected and trusted are more likely to stay motivated and engage for longer. Companies can expect lower turnover rates and decreased hiring expenses in hybrid automation – all contribute to the company’s long-term success.


Hybrid Workplace Challenges For Your Employees


No working model is perfect. Indeed, the hybrid work model has many offers and has a few drawbacks that organizations need to work through. Here are some considerations for your employees before accepting the role of hybrid workers.


Miscommunication on Work Schedules

To get the hybrid projects done, employees process much data that they get from colleagues. But what if those people are not available when a team member decides to work on a specific time slot? If the deadline is near, they need to handle their duties with incomplete information. In the long run, it can result in confusion, errors, frustration, and low performance.


Missed development and career opportunities

Employees who are visibly doing their work can quickly gain praise and recognition from their employers. Unfortunately, the opposite happens for remote workers. Superior and higher rank employees mostly stay in the office. They can be the reason to pass over the promotion and advance to full-time employees.


Demand to overperform

Full-time office workers have to endure the hassle of daily commutes and pressure in the workplace, while remote workers do not have to deal with them. Due to toxic culture, on-site workers might demand overperformance from their remote colleagues to justify their ego.


Trouble keeping productive routines that may lead to burnout

Eliminating the line that separating life and work comes with a set of challenges. Working parents who often attend to kids, chores, and errands may work late at night. Therefore, new habits may arise, such as short naps and overworking that may lead to burnout.


Managing the ‘guilt’ of underperformance

Hybrid workers are flexible to work any time and anywhere. But it often leads to more time doing personal things such as going out with friends and families or power naps. Most of the time, a hybrid worker will feel guilty and more likely to spend more extended time at work to compensate the lost ‘work hours’.


advantages Desk Booking System


What Is Hybrid Software?


Managing distributed teams and employees is challenging for employers. You need to monitor their attendance, outputs, schedules, and salaries. That’s what the software hybrid specializes in and more. In some cases, remote employees can’t be as productive as they want to due to the improper implementation of hybrid work management strategies for their businesses. Hybrid software like DeskFlex room booking system supports companies and organizations in implementing this work strategy effectively. Here’s how our hybrid webinar software does it:-


Desk Booking Solutions Support Hybrid Work Environments


1. Easy workspace booking

Hybrid workers often go to the office to attend important meetings, meet with a client, or collaborate with teammates for varied projects. Having no permanent desk, they need to secure a spot to work on for a day. A desk reservation software allows them to reserve a workspace before they arrive at the office. They can also reserve a desk or room in advance using their gadgets, so they don’t have to book every time they need one.

2. Office Hoteling for Social Distancing

Re-configuring your office layout to support the physical distancing protocol can be costly and time-consuming. But to entice your employees to return, you should ensure their safety by implementing safety precautions. Our office hoteling software is a compelling hybrid solution that allows you to disable a desk or workspace, disallowing anyone to use it.


3. Covid-Compliant Features

Aside from social distancing and disinfection scheduling features, desk and room booking software provide an added protection for your organization. These features include thermal scanning, masked mask detection, and contact tracing. So, every time your remote workers go to the office, they will undergo these functions to ensure they do not carry an illness.


4. Contactless Hardware

A desk and room booking system has complementary hardware devices that support your hybrid worker’s flexibility. Some of this equipment is the Bluetooth beacons, contactless meeting room display screens, FlexCube QR code scanner, and lobby kiosks. It allows them to access the system using their intranet, web-based, or mobile applications without the risk of virus contamination.


5. Reliable Safety & Sanitization Scheduling

Cleaning and sanitation remain one effective way to keep your employees safe from getting an illness. Shared spaces such as meeting rooms, desks, coworking areas are prone to viruses that may transmit to the following users. When your team member finishes using a desk or a room, the system provides enough time for the cleaning personnel to sanitize the area.


6. Integrates With Video Conferencing Technologies

One of the must-haves of hybrid automation is video conferencing technologies. Companies need to fully integrate their systems to video call tools to maintain connection and collaboration between the team and employees. Software hybrids like DeskFlex allow you to integrate your common platforms to its desk and room booking software. You don’t need extra software equipment to make your regular meetings. The system also stored all call logs and information shared in your conference.


7. Provides Accurate Reports and Analytics

A desk booking system will help you track and monitor your workspace utilization. The software provides real-time reports on how employees use a specific workspace at a given period. This data allows you to decide on what to improve in your office. Additionally, you can eliminate excess space with the correct information, cut costs, and save real estate expenses.


8. Vaccine Management System

Ensuring that your employees got their vaccines is essential for your organization’s safety. Remote workers often go to café, coworking spaces, or go out with their families. DeskFlex vaccine management system will help you track and monitor your hybrid workers’ vaccination history. The software is a significant feature that makes it easy to execute contact tracing and implement safety policies in your office.


Wrapping It Up


The pandemic has redefined the “great place to work” for today’s workforce. After working for a couple of months, the phenomenon proves to the world that they can do work anywhere. Your employees seek more flexibility, autonomy, and freedom so they can continue working efficiently.


At DeskFlex, we understand the challenges that a hybrid workplace setup can bring. Fortunately, we can leverage the software advantages for you and your employees. DeskFlex hybrid cloud management software has all the necessary features and functions that your organizations need and supports your hybrid workers. We are continuously improving our desk and room booking solutions to satisfy our customers’ ever-changing needs.


Thermal Detection

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