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Best Ways to Improve Employee Communication

Employee Engagement

Communication is a powerful tool, and often has a huge impact on the success of your organization. Effective communication between manager and employee increases employee participation, workplace productivity, and business success. Conversely, lack of communication can be detrimental to work relationships. Take time to communicate effectively with each of your employees, making it a regular practice.


Employees are often the driving force in the future of an organization. Most high-performing organizations make employee communication a priority. They know that an engaged workforce makes for a more successful organization. Communicating strategically engages employees.


We can separate employees into three different groups—committed, uncommitted, and actively disengaged—about a quarter of employees are engaged while about 20 percent are actively disengaged. About half of employees, however, are uncommitted or disconnected. Getting employees to truly understand your company’s mission, vision and values can help them feel more connected.


If they see their ability to significantly influence the outcome of any project, motivation will come naturally. Communicate with employees using a clear strategic purpose, and you’ll find them more engaged than ever.

Here are some guidelines for efficient communication with employees:


Familiarize Yourself

Get to know your employees. Interact with them on an individual level so that you have an opportunity to build open communication. Show concern for them, understand their interests, listen to their issues, and share in their enthusiasm about a job well done. This helps employees feel they can talk with you openly and that they’re part of the community.

Let your communication prove that you are passionate about the products or services offered, the people you employ and the customers you serves. Tailor your communication to the level of employee and the type of communication they need. Effective communication is more valuable than idol conversation.


Act Like You Say

When you give employees advice, make sure that you follow that advice as well. This helps you to maintain credibility. Remember that you communicate both verbally and nonverbally—doing what you say will help build your employee’s trust.
This way, when you implement new practices, direct employees, or correct them, the employees will be more likely to honor your decision and understand where you’re coming from.


Measuring Effectiveness

Be sure to make clear how you are measuring performance. Employees need to know how they are doing, as well as how the company is doing. Periodically assess levels of commitment and ask employees if the organization has communicated its strategy well. Clearly share both good and bad assessments with them. If you are honest and truthful in discussing areas of improvement and business shortcomings, positive feedback seems more credible.


Let your employees hear feedback from you before they hear it from anyone else. Intelligent employees can work more effectively with the right motivation and clear communication about expectations and performance.

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