
Blog A New Genesis For The Workplace By Shaun on 4/18/2016 12:51 AMOrganizations have always had concerns about the proficiency of their workplaces, such as offices and factories. With high-quality workplace management software, organizations can achieve greater efficiency, productivity, and financial benefits. It covers all facilities, assets,...

Blog Using Desk Hoteling to Save Space By Shaun on 4/11/2016 4:16 AM Nowadays, scheduling is one of the significant problems for multi-story organizations. We used old methods like organization charts to manage rooms and workspaces for years. It was expensive and time-consuming. These ancient methods meant a...

Blog DeskFlex Workspace Management Solution: Align Your Workforce​ By Shaun on 4/4/2016 4:16 AM  Facility scheduling software and call center software are very efficient for managing limited workspaces. They ideally manage the employee workability and cost efficiency, while providing every employee with workspace and necessary facilities. DeskFlex workspace management solution aligns your workforce with available...

Blog How to Motivate Your Employees By Shaun on 12/29/2015 4:16 AM Motivated employees are happier and more productive. Motivation is generally a result of job satisfaction and achieving performance goals. To improve employee motivation first, recognize the power in drawing out the best employees have to offer,...